Sunday, June 17, 2012

Healing Touch

Healing Touch is a biofield energy therapy, an energy-based approach to health and well being.


Techniques are gentle, nurturing and safe and can be used for all age groups and stages of life. There are no contra indications.

It is grounded in compassion, integrity, heart centredness and positive intention. The goal is to empower clients to reach an optimal position to activate the innate wisdom of the body to self heal, facilitating health in all aspects of life; the physical, emotional mental and spiritual dimensions.


This Is an integrative therapy that can be used in conjunction with traditional therapies, and is becoming increasingly accepted in hospitals as a method to safely support medical treatments and enhance the healing process.

What is Healing Touch?

HT is a biofield energy therapy that is an energy based approach to health and well being. Practitioners use light touch or near body touch to influence the human energy field (aura) that surrounds the body and the energy centres (charkras) that control the flow of energy from the energy field to the physical body.

How does HT work?

Energy therapies, of which HT is one, are a part of the wider discipline of energy medicine.

Energy medicine recognizes energy as a vital, living moving force that determines much about health and well being.

In energy medicine, energy is the medicine.

The human body has an innate wisdom for self healing and maintaining balance. At times when our bodies are ill, injured, receiving treatments or under stress, this ability to maintain balance can be disrupted causing congestion or blockage of energy flow.

Our practitioners facilitate healing by using non-invasive specific techniques to realign, balance and restore flow to the Human Energy System. This creates an optimal environment for self-healing.

What to expect in a treatment session

Practitioners will complete a comprehensive interview asking about your Health History.

Then an energy assessment is completed giving the practitioner the information needed to select a technique suitable for that client at that time.

Techniques involve light touch or near body touch and are carried out with the client fully clothed and comfortable, either lying on a massage table or sitting in a chair.

Most clients experience a deep sense of relaxation and peace, often resulting in greater clarity of thought and clearer perspective with a feeling that "something has shifted."

Following a treatment, options for self-care are discussed with a priority given to well being and personal empowerment.

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